Friday, August 22, 2008

Why the Chows are going to win:

Two words: Culinary Prowess.

That's right, a little skill in the kitchen goes a long way. There's no subsitute for being able to control the calories that go into your food without making it taste like cow barf, and Dan (That's right, I referred to myself in the third person) has that in spades. For example: One bowl of rice with tomato-chicken stew: 260 calories. That's right, 260. That means in my 1400 cal diet, I could eat 5 of those babies and still have enough calories left over for a couple of frosted mini-wheats. CULINARY KNOW HOW, baby. When Stef and Kevin are green in the face from celery and carrots and green salads, I'll be sitting -fat- skinny and happy with my bamboo steamer filled with delicious siu lung bao:

at just 50 cals a pop, which means while kevin is choking down a bran biscuit, I'll be trying to cram another juicy dumpling into my already crammed gob baby. I'm not entirely heartless though, and to show what a good sport I am: the recipe for the tomato-chicken stew. enjoy!

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