Thursday, September 4, 2008

Weigh in #2

And the fat man pulls ahead:
Original weight: 233lbs
Last week's weight: 225lbs
Current weight: 222.2lbs
Total weight loss: 10.8lbs

Original weight: 122lbs
Last week's weight: 120lbs
Current weight: 118lbs
Total weight loss: 4lbs

If anything is discouraging about my (Dan's) weight loss, it's that it's not quite as much as I expected. The last time I limited my calories I lost about 10lbs a week, and I'm about half that right now. But last time I only allowed 1000 cals, and this time I'm allowing 1400 cals. Either way, I'm going to have to start exercising to enhance the lean muscle mass that is likely a part of this weight loss to ramp up my metabolism. On the upside, I find that even when I get really hungry I only eat about half as much as I would have 2 weeks ago! All in all, my resting heart rate is down, and I can already see a difference in the mirror, so that's good!

This week has been a lot harder for me (Tish).  There have been a couple times that I had a chance to go out to eat with my family and it's so tempting to get the delicious desserts and fatty entrees.  I think I'm starting to crave sweets less, at least a little less.  As far as exercise goes Jade and I have walked to the park a couple times this week so it's a start.  It's a two mile walk in total.  My appetite continues to decrease though and it's not as hard to stop myself when I feel like I'm getting full.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Dan and Tish, your weight loss is awesome. Seriously, I think sometimes it is better for the weight to come off slower because it seems more permanent. 10 lbs. and 4 lbs. is awesome! Remember it's a marathon, not a sprint so be proud of yourselves!