Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Weigh In #5

Starting Weight: 186
Current Weight: 178.5

Starting Weight: 136
Last Week's Weight: 131.5
Current Weight: 130.5

Hope the trend of one lb. a week keeps up for me (Stefanie)...although it will take forever, I would eventually get there.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Weigh In #4

Original Weight: 186
Last Week's Weight: 181
Current Weight: 181

Original Weight: 136
Last Week's Weight: 132.5
Current Weight: 131.5

So as you can see, nothing drastic. I (Stefanie) am just hoping to keep losing a pound a week, but I'm sure I'll plateau soon. We definately need to add some exercise to days. The 1200 calorie thing is still going good during the week, and the free game during the weekends is what actually gets me through the week. Since I know I can basically have what I want during the weekends, I have something to look forward to. Besides, when you are eating at home all day during the week, it is not hard to limit the calorie intake. It's things like camping, eating out, ward dinners, and such that I just can't control myself. All and all, not too exciting of a week.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

tish's weigh in last week

Sorry for the ridiculously late post.

Original Weight - 122
Last Week's Weight - 118
Current Weight - 117.8 (Wednesdays weight)
Total Weight Loss - 4.2

I think you can tell by my .2 pound weight loss that last week did not go well.
We just had too much fun in Idaho and at the fair.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thanks Fair!

We sure do miss going to the South East Idaho Fair. But, I guess it payed off this time. Although we didn't have such a great week ourselves. Well I guess that depends on how you look at it. We ate well, but not good for our diet plan. Stef made some good sweet potato pie. She made small pies in a cup cake pan. I guess that was good to keep us from having large portions. Also, we found a coupon for a free item at Dairy Queen. We couldn't pass up such a great deal, so we went and had Blizzards, small ones though. So, it wasn't that good of a week for our diets, but we had to let ourselves splurge occasionally or it would be very difficult to keep up this diet for very long.

So here are the results:

Original Weight - 188.5
Last Week's Weight - 181
Current Weight - 180.5
Total Weight Loss - 8

Original Weight - 136
Last Week's Weight - 133.5
Current Weight - 132.5
Total Weight Loss - 3.5

And the Idaho State Fair claims another casualty

Oh noes!!!! Dan didn't lose any weight this week, unless of course you count the weight I lost in the exact amount of the weight I gained over the weekend. Oh wells, Stef and Kev have to win at least ONE weigh in.

Original weight: 233lbs
Last week's weight: 222.2lbs
Current weight: 222.2lbs
Total weight loss: 10.8lbs

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Weigh in #2

And the fat man pulls ahead:
Original weight: 233lbs
Last week's weight: 225lbs
Current weight: 222.2lbs
Total weight loss: 10.8lbs

Original weight: 122lbs
Last week's weight: 120lbs
Current weight: 118lbs
Total weight loss: 4lbs

If anything is discouraging about my (Dan's) weight loss, it's that it's not quite as much as I expected. The last time I limited my calories I lost about 10lbs a week, and I'm about half that right now. But last time I only allowed 1000 cals, and this time I'm allowing 1400 cals. Either way, I'm going to have to start exercising to enhance the lean muscle mass that is likely a part of this weight loss to ramp up my metabolism. On the upside, I find that even when I get really hungry I only eat about half as much as I would have 2 weeks ago! All in all, my resting heart rate is down, and I can already see a difference in the mirror, so that's good!

This week has been a lot harder for me (Tish).  There have been a couple times that I had a chance to go out to eat with my family and it's so tempting to get the delicious desserts and fatty entrees.  I think I'm starting to crave sweets less, at least a little less.  As far as exercise goes Jade and I have walked to the park a couple times this week so it's a start.  It's a two mile walk in total.  My appetite continues to decrease though and it's not as hard to stop myself when I feel like I'm getting full.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Weigh In #2

Original Weight: 136
Last Week's Weight: 134.5
Current Weight: 133.5
Total Weight Lost: 2.5 lbs

Original Weight: 188.5
Last Week's Weight: 182.5
Current Weight: 181
Total Weight Lost: 7.5 lbs

So although our numbers aren't quite as high as we would like, we are happy that we actually lost weight after our long weekend of eating like pigs. My goal like I said is to keep between 1200 and 1300 cals. during the week, and then on the weekend to not be quite as strict, and I've stuck to it. However, when my mom came to visit from Thursday to Monday we had lots of delicious food and ate about twice as much as our plan allows for. Now we are back to watch out!