Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Weigh in!!!!

The starting weights are in, and will be used in part to determine the winner of our contest. Pending further discussion, the winner will be the team that makes the best progress toward their target goal determined as a percent from starting weight to goal weight.

Goal weights are a combination of healthy weight BMI and the weight recalled by the participant to be their "best weight" during adulthood. Here are the tally's:


current weight: 122lbs
goal weight: 105lbs (weight when we met)

current weight: 233lbs
goal weight: 180lbs (weight when we met)


Current Weight 136
Goal Weight 125 (Can't recall being 125)

Current Weight 188.5
Goal Weight 175 (Weight while in several sports during high school)

Official weigh ins will be every week on wednesdays. Participants can post updates and other content as they deem appropriate!

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